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Good Wine Legislation Guarantees Excellent Quality

In the heart of Serbia, where the rich history of winemaking dates back centuries, a remarkable transformation is taking place. At the forefront of this revival is Stevan Rajta, head of the Association of Winemakers and Winegrowers of Serbia, the organization that plays a pivotal role in this process. With a passion for wine deeply rooted in his soul, Stevan has spent the past four years championing the cause of Serbian winemakers, reinvigorating the industry, and putting Serbia back on the global wine map.

In the core of the Open Balkan initiative is the Wine Vision event, which has rapidly grown into a symbol of Balkan winemaking excellence. Organized in collaboration with the Association of Winemakers and Winegrowers of Serbia, this fair has been meticulously designed to spotlight the exceptional wines, culture, and traditions of the Balkan region.

Wine Vision has proven that the Balkan region is not just a place of tradition but also a hub for investment. The event has attracted attention from investors and stakeholders, signifying the untapped potential of the Balkan wine scene. This interest promises to fuel the growth of the industry, bringing economic benefits to the entire region.

Stevan Rajta emphasizes, “Wine Vision fair is important, because we have shown that we have quality and real wines and that we are the right people in the right place. This kind of fair proved that in our country and in the region, there is room for investment and that attention should be paid to this area of Europe where the emphasis on the wine scene has finally come into focus.”

A significant milestone in this transformation is the new law on wine in Serbia, drafted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation involved active participation from all relevant stakeholders in the wine scene. Its objectives are clear: to increase visibility, enhance international market placement, promote Serbian wines, elevate wine quality, stimulate new vineyard plantations, and establish qualifications and classifications for vineyards, similar to the renowned laws in France and California.

The most significant change introduced by this law is the ban on the production of wine from grapes that were not produced in Serbia. This bold move places a strong emphasis on the geographical origin of the wine, ensuring that it derives from Serbian soil, culture, and unique grape varieties. This shift is pivotal in building the identity of a wine region.

Through the collective efforts of associations of winemakers across the region, Wine Vision  has repositioned the Balkans as a significant player in the global wine industry, while also celebrating the unique identity and potential of Balkan wines. With the valuable insights from Stevan Rajta and the recent legislation fostering progress, this cooperative journey holds great promise for the future of Balkan winemaking, demonstrating the power of association work and regional cooperation.